
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2023

Task 2 “ Photography: The Art of Capturing Moments in a Click “

Name      : Abdul Wahab Hakim Class     :  FTG 1A NIM       : 2391471001                                                1.  “ Photography: The Art of Capturing Moments in a Click “   Photography is an art that has transformed the way we perceive and interact with the world around us. With the aid of a camera, we can capture precious moments, the beauty of nature, and stories that illuminate our lives. However, photography is more than just pressing a button; it is a means of communication, reflection, and self-expression.   Photography first emerged in the 19th century, with Joseph Nicéphore Niépce creating the first permanent image using bitumen of Judea and a simple camera in 1826. Since then, photographic technology has continued to evolve, from daguerreotypes to modern digital photography. Today, almost everyone carries a camera in their pocket, thanks to technological advancements in smartphones. Photography is not just an art form but also a means of self-expression, jour